September 2021 Progress Update
Hey All! Welcome to our September 2021 progress update! This will be a short one as we've been working hard at our v1.1.0 update which is inching closer and closer to release everyday!
Update on the v1.1.0 Update While we initially announced that this update would include the prop generator revamp, the in-game server list, and the endless building; we need a lot more time to complete our expanded vision for the Endless Building to ensure it is something truly special, but the other two major features are nearing completion. We've come to the decision that our 1.1 update will include the prop generator revamp and the in-game server list, along with other smaller updates and fixes, but not the endless building, which will release at a later date.
While this may sound disappointing, this is actually all good news as this allows you to experience the prop generator and new front end sooner than you would otherwise.
While we won't give a set date for the v1.1.0 update, we are getting very close to completing this update and can't wait to see what you all build with the new tools! We promise you the wait will be well worth it!
Thanks for continuing to support Toontown Offline and for reading this short update! Stay tooned for the v1.1.0 Update, coming sooner than you think!