NPC Toons - Toontown Realms Modding Documentation

Toontown Realms features the ability to add, or replace NPC toons.

Important Information

  • The default NPC toons file can be found in phase_3/data/npctoons.json, this should NEVER be overwritten by resource packs - any changes should be made to config/npctoons.json. This file does not exist by default, so you will need to create one if you want to make changes.
  • Make sure you follow proper JSON formatting. An example file is provided here.
  • It is not possible to add new NPC positions, therefore zones should never go above their proper NPC count, excess NPCs in a zone will just default to xyz (0, 0, 0).

Modifying NPC Toons

  1. Create a new file called npctoons.json in the config folder in your Toontown Realms installation directory
  2. The json file should first be formatted as following:


*Inside the brackets is where you wlil add each new entry, separated by commas. Note that JSON is a very strict format, a stray comma will break the file. Do NOT include a comma after the final entry. 3. Add entry. The format of each NPC Toon will be explained later in the document.

npctoons.json is a dictionary of Toon elements, identified by their NPC ID

Toon data type

Field Type Description Example
name string The Toon's Name "Flippy"
zone_id int or null The zone ID in which the Toon resides. A Toon can be set to not appear in a zone if you set to null 2007
protected boolean Protected buildings will not be taken over by Cogs false (or 0)
body Body Defines the Toon's head, body, legs, and gender See Below
clothes Clothes Defines the Toon's clothing textures See Below
colors Colors Defines the Toon's body and clothing colors See Below
accessories Accessories Define's the Toon's accessories See Below
type string (see below for valid options) Define's the Toon's type - Control's its function in game "NPC_HQ"


"20002": {
        "name": "HQ Harry",
        "zone_id": null,
        "protected": 1,
        "body": {...},
        "clothes": {...},
        "colors": {...},
        "accessories": {...},
        "type": "NPC_HQ"

Body data type

Field Type Description Example
head string Toon's species, head, and muzzle sizes "dls"
torso string Toon's torso (Also controls whether wearing a skirt or shorts) "ms"
legs string Toon's legs "l"
gender string ("m" or "f") Controls whether the toon is a male or female "f"


"body": {
        "head": "dll",
        "torso": "sd",
        "legs": "l",
        "gender": "f"

Clothing data type

Field Type Description Example
shirt int Shirt texture ID 5
sleeves int Sleeves texture ID 4
bottoms int Bottoms texture ID 9


"clothes": {
    "shirt": 0,
    "sleeves": 0,
    "bottoms": 8

Colors data type

Hint: For clothing, 27 is white, or the default color of the texture - No tint For gloves, 0 is white

Field Type Description Example
head int Head color ID 8
torso int Torso color ID 8
gloves int Glove color ID 0
legs int Leg color ID 12
shirt int Shirt color ID 27
sleeves int Sleeves color ID 27
bottoms int Bottoms color ID 19


"colors": {
    "head": 21,
    "torso": 21,
    "gloves": 0,
    "legs": 21,
    "shirt": 5,
    "sleeves": 5,
    "bottoms": 21


Field Type Description Example
hat List of 3 integers This list defines the Hat Model, Texture ID, and Color ID for the Hat accessory [5,0,0]
glasses List of 3 integers This list defines the Glasses Model, Texture ID, and Color ID for the Glasses accessory [5,0,0]
backpack List of 3 integers This list defines the Backpack Model, Texture ID, and Color ID for the Glasses accessory [5,0,0]
shoes List of 3 integers This list defines the Shoe Model, Texture ID, and Color ID for the Glasses accessory [1,4,0]


            "hat": [34,0,0],
            "glasses": [3,0,0],
            "backpack": [38,0,0],
            "shoes": [1,6,0]


The following example shows an NPC Toon override of Tutorial Tom and HQ Harry npctoons.json

"20000": {
        "name": "Tutorial Tom",
        "zone_id": null,
        "protected": 1,
        "body": {
            "head": "dll",
            "torso": "ms",
            "legs": "m",
            "gender": "m"
        "clothes": {
            "shirt": 2,
            "sleeves": 2,
            "bottoms": 2
        "colors": {
            "head": 7,
            "torso": 7,
            "gloves": 0,
            "legs": 7,
            "shirt": 6,
            "sleeves": 6,
            "bottoms": 16
        "accessories": {
            "hat": [0,0,0],
            "glasses": [0,0,0],
            "backpack": [0,0,0],
            "shoes": [0,0,0]
        "type": "NPC_REGULAR"
    "20002": {
        "name": "HQ Harry",
        "zone_id": null,
        "protected": 1,
        "body": {
            "head": "dls",
            "torso": "ms",
            "legs": "m",
            "gender": "m"
        "clothes": {
            "shirt": 0,
            "sleeves": 0,
            "bottoms": 0
        "colors": {
            "head": 6,
            "torso": 6,
            "gloves": 0,
            "legs": 6,
            "shirt": 10,
            "sleeves": 10,
            "bottoms": 9
        "accessories": {
            "hat": [0,0,0],
            "glasses": [0,0,0],
            "backpack": [0,0,0],
            "shoes": [0,0,0]
        "type": "NPC_HQ"
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